Tuesday, 29 January 2013


I went on a course yesterday and it offered a lovely chance to share ideas and successes and to reflect on my practise.

I had a really positive morning and went back to school with some actions in mind... I will get around to them honest!

I shared how well my Creative area has been going since we rearranged the classroom (to make a reading area). One of the side effects of the move was changing the storage around. The children can now access more materials independently and most of them are making good choices about what they need to use.

My actions to work on are as follows:
·Look at the observation sheet for recording formal observations and see how it can be adapted to include the new EYFS goals and Characteristics. (Tick - first draft done!)
·Make some labels for the creative area to help children to keep it tidy (this is quite urgent!!)
·Research and experiment with developing my writing area. How can I make it accessible to more children? How can I make them want to go there? (I hope to be able to write more about how this goes when I get around to it)
I've set just three achievable targets to begin with and may get brave and add to it later.

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