Elaine Kidd suggested that we do a stock take each day; 20 things that we learnt/ did well/ feel good about/ the things that taught you etc.
1. I got up and sang Fish in the Unruffled lakes in my quick master class with Margaret Humphrey Clark.
2. I almost came in on time correctly despite the trickiness of the piece. (My accompanist Chad was fabulous).
3. I confirmed that everything Ann has me doing to sort out my posture is exactly right!!! (I just haven't cracked the bad habits yet).
4. I like this quote: "you are what you allow your mind to dwell on" hmm gona revisit that one!
5. Learnt a tip to try out in the classroom - geographical recall (move the children more often so that they remember things according to where they sit).
6. Mental rehearsal can be as good as physical performance.
7. Talked to complete strangers and they're really lovely!
8. I'm not the only person who has a jutty chin!
9. The reason I often can't breath deeply enough to get through lines when performing could be linked to me locking my knees... Will keep an eye on them!
10. Ready to "get comfortable about feeling uncomfortable".
11. "You're there to communicate it (the song) because you can sing it. You're not just there to sing the notes." The need to know and communicate what you are singing about and feeling.
12. Heard some truly amazing voices today!!
13. Giving myself a massage to loosen my jaw.
14. Performing tip: "walk onto the stage as though you are receiving your degree".
15. Where to focus attention when singing - let song dictate but maybe go for hair line or chin - not too direct.
16. "Allow your song to caress the faces of the audience".
17. Interesting fact: jaw jutting+ leaning on one sideness could very well be a side affect of musical instrument playing. (Flute and violin mentioned most)
18. "Don't generalise or catastophise"
19. "The more specific you get the easier it is to communicate."
20. I get to sing German Lieder to a man who knows all about German lieder tomorrow. ( I will do my best to imagine myself as German singing about the old man who has gone to the woods and asked death to take him - now where's google translate?!)
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